golden asset

golden asset


"Russia is rich in football talents. But not all of them eventually realize their talent."Stanislav Cherchesov, the coach of the Russian national team, wanted to express this idea, calling the most promising football players of the country a "golden asset".

The reaction of the football community did not take long to wait and the rapper L'One released a song in which he was ironic about the current situation.

The creative association of Nothing Ordinary and blogger Krasava took part in the the video shoot. After the release of the whole story, we presented a special uniform with the Golden Asset logo, which L'One secured once and for all.


"Russia is rich in football talents. But not all of them eventually realize their talent."Stanislav Cherchesov, the coach of the Russian national team, wanted to express this idea, calling the most promising football players of the country a "golden asset".

The reaction of the football community did not take long to wait and the rapper L'One released a song in which he was ironic about the current situation.

The creative association of Nothing Ordinary and blogger Krasava took part in the the video shoot. After the release of the whole story, we presented a special uniform with the Golden Asset logo, which L'One secured once and for all.


представляет собой адаптацию и художественное переосмысление знаменитой работы Эль Лисицкого «Клином красным бей белых!», впервые опубликованной в 1920 году в Витебске. Самый известный вариант этой работы – на черном фоне, так выглядит форма вратарей. Первый вариант этой работы был 
в синем цвете, и этот цвет определен для формы остальных игроков команды 
и перекликается с фирменным цветом клуба

music video «golden asset»

football kit «golden asset»

Football is a reflection of life and there is a place for any culture and creativity in it.

Now people who have studied the football world from the inside are working on the implementation, having passed all the steps from children's football to all professional leagues in Russia and Abroad. We also have people from the creative world: professional photographers, videographers, journalists, musicians who help to implement our ideas. We have seen from personal experience that football unites.



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